Bet on yourself

Win big, every single day

Become your best self by turning your goals into high-stakes real-money bets with friends

Turn goals into games

Get addicted to progress

Challenge friends to win respect (and cash).
Or, go solo - with a friend to verify progress.
Use stakes & competition to get sh*t done!


Early access slots remaining!

Nox is currently available to a select few - but you can be one of the first to join them!

How it works

Step 1

Decide the mission

Set your goal & deadline. Invite friends to do it together, bet against you (call bullsh*t), or compete with.

Step 2

Set the rules

Define what proof you'll upload & when, to prove your commitment

Step 3

Bet on it & go live!

Stake cash upfront that you'll lose if you fail - or set your own penalty. Choose a friend to verify proofs. That's it, get going!

Set grand plans in motion

and never flake on commitments again


Early users are conquering their DREAMS

...while making some pretty f*cking hilarious memories


I didn't trust my friends not to flake for my international bachelor trip. When Abhilaksh (founder) told me about the app he was building, I used it to get them all to stake $500 on showing up to the trip 6 months in advance. Not one of them ended up flaking.


A Nox pact helped me lose 10 kilos of fat before my wedding. The prospect of losing $10 every time I missed a prepped meal really did the trick and kept me on track.


We used Nox to set up a bet where one of my friends said he'd shave his head if I managed to talk to a girl at the club. I did it, and used the razor myself.


A Nox pact with 5 of my friends got me to start lifting from zero. I ended up going to the gym 25 weeks in a row and missed 4 days - but the $40 I lost motivated me like nothing else. My overhead press went from 20 kg to 45!


I have been putting off starting my life-coaching practice and IG page for years. My partner set up a pact with me where if I didn't post every single day for 1 month, I'd lose $100. So I did it, and it gave me the momentum to quit my job and do this full time!


We set up a Nox pact where two of our friends had a trivia contest. Whoever lost would lose $30 to the other - AND have to walk around with soaked wet shoes for an entire night out. Now we use it for all sorts of bets with each other.

Meet the Nox overlords.

Abhilaksh & Prabhakar built Nox because some of their best decisions came out of bets with each other or other friends. Starting a company together was one of them - but so was going to South America for two months, joining a writer's workshop, taking dance lessons, & much more.In case you'd like to work with us, or get in touch for any reason, simply reach out on our socials or drop us a mail at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

You can use Nox to accomplish just about any goal or simply for fun. You can create a pact to hold yourself and others accountable. Examples include:

  • Building or breaking habits: Enter a pact where you upload periodic evidence of doing something daily, like running 5 kilometers, or avoiding something, like cigarettes.
  • Achieving big outcomes: For goals with deadlines, like moving to New York by year’s end, upload evidence by the deadline to prove success.
  • For fun: Get creative! One user made a pact where if their friend convinced a girl to hold his hand by the semester’s end, they’d shave their head. You can even use Nox to enforce bachelor party commitments.

You start by selecting a goal and deciding whether it’s a solo pact, where only you are responsible for completing the goal, or a group pact, where multiple people are involved. In group pacts, you can choose different game modes—either collaborating, where everyone works towards the same goal, or competing, where you’re trying to outperform each other for a prize. Every pact requires you to stake money or something else that you’ll lose if you fail. You also define the type of evidence you’ll provide and how often you’ll submit it. All these rules create an ironclad contract that keeps you and your friends honest and accountable.

You appoint a friend or trusted third party as the verifier. They’ll check if your evidence meets the pact's terms.

Verifiers can receive a percentage of the monetary stake as a tip for their role in the pact.

If you can’t find a verifier, Abhilaksh or Prabhakar can step in as your verifiers. Simply nominate either of us—we’re automatically added to everyone’s Nox friends list. Pretty soon, AI will be available for verification, but for now, we require you to involve at least one other person for better accountability.

We currently accept video, photo, or audio evidence. You can define what’s required based on the challenge.

In a competitive pact, it goes to the winner of the pact you're in—the one who outperformed everyone else by meeting more deadlines or finishing the task before everybody else. In any other kind of pact, Nox takes your money.

Yes! You can set non-monetary stakes like slap bets, shave bets, or any creative consequences. While quantifiable stakes help, we leave the definition up to you.

Yes, you can track your progress, but pact terms can’t be changed once the pact is active. There’s a 48-hour pre-launch period where you can modify terms, provided all participants agree.

Yes, you can resign from a pact, but doing so will require you to forfeit the stake (money or something else) you fronted to be part of that pact.

Nox uses loss aversion, a clinically backed principle in behavioral science. When you stake something or turn a goal into a commitment device, you’re more motivated to follow through.

Doing this offline requires lots of effort—tracking progress, holding money, managing disputes, and keeping records. Nox simplifies and enhances this process, making it fun and reliable.

Nox is inherently social and much more customizable than other apps. Nox is not just a productivity app; it’s a betting app used to hold people accountable to all kinds of commitments. It’s more fun, flexible, and designed to handle real-life scenarios.

We use advanced encryption and secure systems to protect your data and privacy.

We’ve worked on important projects requiring intense discretion and integrity. Check our LinkedIn profiles to see if you trust us.

Enter your details to be the first to use Nox when we launch!

We will NEVER share your information with ANYONE.